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Inspirational Stories

Motivational Story of “World’s Skinniest Woman”

Motivational Story of Lizzie Velesquez Motivational Story of Lizzie Velasquez In a time when beauty is defined by supermodels, success is defined by wealth, and fame is deified by how many followers you have on social media, Lizzie Velasquez asks the question how do you define yourself? Once labeled, “The Worlds Ugliest Woman,” Lizzie decided to turn things around and create […] Continue reading →

Inspirational Story of Will Smith

Will Smith Inspirational Story of Will Smith. “I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.” – Will Smith It is this constant urge to ‘strive’ and to struggle that has made him one of the most […] Continue reading →